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Giant Forest Village Pictures | The following are personal stories regarding experiences people have had in the Giant Forest Area: |
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I've been going to Sequoia Park Giant Forest area for years, starting in the 1950's. I know that when I get near the Giant Forest area the type of trees and surroundings get better. Its probably due to the altitude and getting into the Giant Sequoia groves. When you come to the Giant Forest Village area it branches toward a road that takes you to a famous site called Morro Rock... Read more | |
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I think in the earlier days of Sequoia Park, the camping was free, no forms to fill out or reservations required. There was an initial fee to enter the park and I don't remember how much that was. Life was simplier then, with just find a place and enjoy. | |
When I went to C.O.S. in 1961, some friends and I hired ourselves to work at Giant Forest Village on the weekends. It has been so long ago that I don't remember how many times I did go, but I remembersome of our activities so clearly... Read more | |
I found a photo of myself and Caralyn Cotner, a friend from a Visalia high school . It is VERY dark, and is of the two of us cavorting in front of the employee dorm in the snow. Dont' know if it is even printable... Read more | |
I remember trips to the Giant Forest areas as early as the late 1950's. This post is about two trips one in the 1968 and the other in 1983. I was 18 in 1968 and during the summer after graduating from high school talked one of my friends to go with me on a weekend camping trip to Giant Forest... Read more | |
Pinewood was once a site of rental cabins which were later used for seasonal employee housing from the sixties? until 1998 ( prior to that employees were housed in lower Kaweah) The cabins were torn down in 1999. They were located up the road between the Lodge and the Sherman tree on the left side of the highway . We have an old photo from the thirties when it was called Pinewood shelter camp... Read more | |
We certainly did attend many events at Beetle Rock including our wedding reception after being married in Round Meadow in 1981. We called it Beetle rock rec hall. A portion of the building served as a retail warehouse for the gift shops and downstairs were employee dorm rooms... Read more |
When I was young, before my teenager years, I got to go camping at Giant Forest with my neighbor friends. My parents didn't go camping or have an interest so my experiences came from others and the scouts. I remember on one camping trip to Giant Forest, my friend and I tried to catch a squirrel... Read more |
An elderly couple recently visited Giant Forest Hazelwood nature trail. These nice people reflected on their previous stay at the Giant Forest Lodge.The man said he enjoyed staying there and especially liked the restaurant that overlooked Round Meadow.... Read more |
Last summer my wife and I visited Giant Forest Village twice and fortunately we brought our ice chest with food. When it got time for lunch we took our ice chest near the museum and started lunch. Others passed by and some looked like they would like some too. We shared our lunch with a few people including crackers... Read more | |
My first summer in Giant Forest I was paid $1.25 per hour plus R+B. We had no other wage plans as a seasonal employee. Later, I believe around 1983? they gave employees the option of R+B. If you chose not to have Room and Board you had to have cooking facilities or share with other employees. There was also a discount given to workers at the Giant Forest Cafeteria or the Employee Cafe (summer operation only)... Read more | |
I first worked in Sequoia/Kings Canyon in the summer of 1975. I lived in the employee housing called Pinewood. Pinewood was located between the Lodge and the Gen. Sherman tree... Read more | |
Yesterday, I got the day off from work and did a day trip to the Three Rivers area. I picked up a Kaweah Commonwealth news paper showing our new advertisement. They did a good job creating the ad telling about Giant Forest Village and our new web site... Read more | |
I recently spent two days enjoying the Giant Forest areas. The weather was almost perfect with a slight chill at times. The Trees and vegetation looked fantastic like all the other times I've been there... Read more | |
When I was growing up, our family went camping at various locations,including Giant Forest. One summer, our family went camping in August in Giant Forest. We were scheduled to stay 6 days... Read more | |
My wife and I enjoyed the weekend starting out at Three Rivers. We meet some great people in Three Rivers that are knowledgeable with the Fall of Giant Forest Village and its particulars... Read more | |
Just catching up on all the posts and would like to add my two bits worth. I grew up in the Stony Creek area in the late 40's and most of the 50's. It was an absolute paradise to a skinny minnie like me... Read more | |
One interesting item was the first road built to Giant Forest in 1903. I read that it was thru the north fork (Three Rivers fork to the North) to the Kaweah Colony Mill then somewhere meets Giant Forest. I wonder where this road comes into Giant Forest... Read more |